Centipedes in Barbados can grow to 18cm long and can be quite a nuisance because their sting can be quite painful, causing itching and swelling similar to a bee sting.
They are usually found outside in damp areas like between the foundation of the house or under decaying foliage and rocks. They can enter our homes through foundation cracks, doors, windows or even through drain pipes.
Their presence inside our homes are most commonly a result of heavy rains where their natural habitat is waterlogged and they are seeking safety in our domain. They also seek shelter when the ground is very dry and cracked, or when there is construction in the area.
Making sure that all cracks are sealed, window screens are in good repair and drain pipes are kept plugged will help in keeping these nuisance bugs outside.
Eradication of centipedes is seldom successful with just one treatment. The recommendation for centipede infestations is to have treatments two weeks apart until the problem is under control, then re-assess treatment requirements going forward.