Prevention and Control of Ticks around the Home
Make sure the property around your home is unattractive to ticks. Because ticks are sensitive to dry conditions and do not thrive in short vegetation, they are seldom a problem in well-maintained lawns. Keep your grass mowed and keep weeds cut. Clean up items that attract rodents which can carry ticks, such as spilled birdseed, and hiding places like old wood piles.
If ticks are present in vegetation along the edge of the property, insecticides labeled for control of ticks can be applied to small areas of high weeds that cannot be mowed.
Tick Treatment Recommendations
Treatment should be done approximately every 3 weeks until under control and then may be changed to once a month. Tick eggs can lay dormant for up to 8 months and we tend to notice an outbreak after a sunny period and then a rainy day.