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Bed Bugs​


Bed bugs are easily spread, especially in public places where many people are using a common area.  Someone may unknowingly sit somewhere where bed bugs have been left by another and they climb onto your clothes and go home with you.  


Bed bugs, are most commonly found in beds, but can also be found in soft furniture, cracks and crevices, electrical plugs, carpeting, curtains, linen, cupboards, drawers and areas seldom used or anywhere they may choose to hide out during the day as they are more active at night.


Bed bugs feed on blood and flat or raised, sometimes itchy bumps on the skin could be a sign of bed bugs.  Bed bugs are sometimes mistaken for ticks and can survive for several months without a feed. Tiny pin head size dots of black, dark brown or red on the mattress is also an indication that there might be a problem and a search is needed.


Getting rid of bed bugs is a tedious job as just leaving one or two around will only result in them re-populating causing another infestation.  


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